Wednesday, July 06, 2011

July Meeting - Writing the Short Story

It's time to quit sleeping on it and get it done.

In order to test the waters of self-publishing, a short story challenge was thrown down in front of the membership.

Many authors are putting their short stories up on Kindle and Smashwords in order to get their name out there. Several have put up more than one and then combine several for an anthology.

Short story.

Sounds easy, but isn't. You still need a beginning, a middle and an end. But you don't need a subplot to lengthen the story.

In the 1940's and 50's, there were hundreds of magazines that purchased short stories, and due to a distribution problem, the vast majority of them vanished, leaving a void for readers.

With the advent of self-publishing, readers can now get their short story fix.

Ergo, the challenge.

Bring your short story to the meeting, or whatever you have. The challenge will continue through the next few months with formatting, book covers, and uploading to the different edistributors.

That's not counting the edits, proofreading, writing a blurb, writing a bio, etc. All steps that must be taken before that final upload.

Then after that, it's the excitement of seeing something you wrote out there in the world, striving for attention. Buy me, buy me, buy me...

There is your first review from someone you don't know...validation that yes you are a writer!

Exciting times are in store for the members who decide to try this 'short' challenge!

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